Wednesday, November 15, 2006

November 15, 2006 4:00 am

Top : plastic replaced
Bottom: Last year w/o AC unit

Morning all,

Worked most of the day yesterday on my porch off of the car port.It's a screened in area where I can come get on laptop and have a smoke.

Two sides have doors and sliding panels, one leading to carport area for motorcycle and cars,the other leads to the back yard.

The third side is screened but with no panels.Last year I covered that side with clear plastic to make it comfortable in the cooler months,and keep a heater out there.This year I added an 8,000 BTU AC unit.This makes it very comfortable year round.

Well this year during the summer, with the sun rays being what they are down here in Florida they did a number on that plastic.When I went to replace plastic it literally broke apart in my hands.So I remeasured each panel,applied glue and attached Velcro along each edge.

Had some help from "Bear" while I was cutting plastic on floor,he seemed interested in how those scissors worked!

One panel done 2 to go.

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